
The Ultimate Guide to Mindset Mastery

The tools you need for success are already within you.

The key to unlocking them is


A huge part of success is being able to continuously adapt and evolve no matter what life throws your way. Stop waiting for the perfect time. Stop overthinking every decision. Take action and let yourself soar into the empowered action-taker you were meant to be!

Opportunity does not wait for the perfect timing. It simply appears and you must decide whether you will go along for the ride or watch it fade away in your rearview mirror. This book will help you develop the confidence you need to trust yourself and take the risks you need to succeed.

Let business coach, legal strategist, & public speaker Jessica Dennehy share how she’s used mindset to elevate herself from a shy law student afraid to speak in class, to a litigator and public speaker coaching entrepreneurs around the country. Her insight will help you shift your perspective and empower you to take control of life. She takes readers out of their comfort zones to find their authentic selves & start trusting their inner compass.

With stories from her own life, actionable steps and guidance, Jessica will take you on a journey of growth and self-awareness that will leave you asking for more. Pivot & Slay isn’t just a book about business, but one that takes you through the daily practices and rituals necessary to open your mind, trust your intuition, and learn about yourself on a level most never experience.

With the right mindset, anything is possible. Start taking ownership of your life & learn how to Pivot so you can Slay your goals & achieve the lasting success you’ve always wanted.

About the Author

Jessica is a coach, writer, legal strategist, & speaker on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to shift their mindsets & overcome the inner hurdles that have been holding them back in business & in life.

She helps business owners reach out of their comfort zones to find their authentic self so they can start taking the risks necessary for success.

As a 500-hour certified yoga instructor, her approach to consulting intermingles life coaching with business & legal strategies, which authentically reflects the way she lives her own life.

In her personal journey to overcome hardships, Jessica used fitness to connect with her physical self and take control of the anxieties and self-doubt that were holding her back from being her most authentic self.

Jessica began her career as a Wall Street attorney, regulating the stock market. She left the investment world to become a fulltime entrepreneur and grow her brand of luxury barbershops before opening her consulting company Pivot & Slay.

Her expertise and vast experiences has landed her features in several media outlets, such as Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, Legal Zoom, and TickerNews.

Jessica lives in New York with her two daughters. When she isn’t Slaying in the business world, you can find her by the ocean, traveling, snowboarding, practicing yoga or on adventures with her daughters.


Let's Slay the Day!